The past 12 months have been a challenging time for many of us on a personal level, with the pandemic having a far-reaching impact on so many aspects of our lives. While the Australian economy is proving remarkably resilient, personal finances have been affected in different ways by lockdowns and government initiatives put in place […]
The superannuation system is still the best medium to tax effectively save for retirement provided your choose the assets that are right for you. It’s about getting active with your superannuation choices and taking an active interest in your super. In my experience, Australians take an interest in superannuation when their valuation reaches around $80,000. […]
The Budget promises to deliver a strong economy, more jobs, guaranteed essential services and the government living within its means, so what does this mean to you? Encouraging tax cuts There’s immediate relief for Australians on low to middle incomes, as well as light at the end of the tunnel for higher-income earners. Those […]