The past 12 months have been a challenging time for many of us on a personal level, with the pandemic having a far-reaching impact on so many aspects of our lives. While the Australian economy is proving remarkably resilient, personal finances have been affected in different ways by lockdowns and government initiatives put in place […]
When it comes to setting financial priorities, medium-term goals often suffer from middle child syndrome, not taken as seriously as the oldest or indulged as much as the youngest. The serious long-term goal of saving for retirement gets lots of attention, and rightly so. It’s super important. And next year’s trip to Bali will be […]
Australia has enjoyed almost three decades of economic sunshine. But it’s worth remembering that dark clouds can appear without warning over both individuals and economies. You may have little control over being caught up in a round of redundancies or experiencing the fallout of an international trade war. But you can choose to manage your […]
From student debt to new technology and landing that first job, today’s young Australians are transitioning into adulthood in a world very different from the one their parents entered. While economies and societies might change, the principles of managing one’s personal finances stay the same. Most parents try to instil good money habits in their […]
At first glance, investing can seem daunting. So much complex information and little time to absorb and act on it when you’re busy getting on with life. It’s little wonder that so many of us put it in the too hard basket. The good news is that investing doesn’t need to be hard. The basic […]